Card payment
/api/payment/directThe card payment request enables a simple transaction to be initiated. 3DSecure is applied to secure the payment at all levels, the end customer should be redirected to the 3DSecureUrl
This server-to-server solution allows you to directly exchange all transaction data between your server and our platform. Your customers remain in the environment of your online shop during the entire payment process.
Beware, you have to process sensitive card data. This requires very high PCI-DSS compliance. Make sure your infrastructure meets all necessary security standards!
Transaction amount in cents
Credit card number
The month of expiry of the bank card
The year of expiry of the bank card
The visual cryptogram of the bank card
Use 3DSecure or not (activated by default)
Person (or company) who owns the bank card
Save the card for future use
Customer IP address
Unique Easytransac customer ID (if you have already made a payment for this customer)
Your unique customer identifier (highly recommended)
Your unique transaction identifier (or order number)
Description of the transaction (use \n to make a line break)
The customer's email address associated with the payment (highly recommended)
Customer's first name
Customer's last name
Customer's address
Customer's postal code
Customer's city
Customer's country of residence
Customer's calling code
Customer's phone number
Customer's birth date
Customer's nationality
Make a pre-authorisation only, the payment will have to be completed via the payment/capture
Duration of reservation of an amount in a pre-authorisation, in days (1 to 6)
URL where the customer is redirected once the payment has been made
The status of the transaction is systematically returned in POST on this return URL
The ReturnUrl
parameter passing is by default in POST, you can force it in GET
Only the "essential" parameters are returned in this case
URL where the customer is redirected once the payment has been made (useful for a 3DSecure payment for example)
Number of payments to be made in total when paying in instalments, including deposit (default is 3)
Deposit for a payment in several instalments (33% of the total by default, if payment in 3 instalments for example) or amount of the first payment (for a subscription, if the first payment is different from the following)
Activate or not the subscription (recurring payments)
Frequency of debiting subscriptions (monthly by default)
Allows you to redirect the collection of this transaction to the account of another Easytransac user
Allows you to redirect the collection of this transaction to the account of another Easytransac user, by his unique ID
Indicates the capabilities of the client browser
Language of the potential bank errors returned
Signature to verify the integrity of the data sent
"Code": 0,
"Signature": "1f51786246a940677afe71f6968972fd46500bd1",
"Result": {
"OperationType": "payment",
"PaymentMethod": "Api",
"ApplicationType": "Api",
"Tid": "4bEp3k1v",
"Uid": "ccc",
"OrderId": "test123",
"Status": "pending",
"Date": "2018-08-06 10:54:18",
"DateRefund": "2019-06-03 17:05:30",
"DateChargeback": "2019-06-03 17:05:30",
"DateRepresentment": "2019-06-03 17:05:30",
"Amount": "2.5",
"ClientIP": "",
"ClientIPCountry": "USA",
"Currency": "EUR",
"CurrencyText": "Euro",
"FixFees": "0",
"Message": "The transaction has failed",
"3DSecure": "yes",
"OneClick": "yes",
"Alias": "Xagv6r",
"CardNumber": "************6629",
"CardMonth": "01",
"CardYear": "2025",
"CardType": "MASTERCARD",
"CardCountry": "FRA",
"Test": "yes",
"Language": "FRE",
"3DSecureUrl": "",
"Error": "Invalid card number",
"AdditionalError": [
"Do not honour"
"Client": {
"Id": "aaabbb1",
"Email": "",
"Firstname": "John",
"Lastname": "Doe",
"Address": "26 green street",
"ZipCode": "75001",
"City": "Paris"